Employment between receipt of Master's Degree and Start of Full-Time Forensic Practice
The work performed while employed with Monsanto Company was for facilities associated with an industrial manufacturing facility, which manufactured a plastics precursor, acrylonitrile, in fluidized bed reactors, and generated steam in waste-heat boilers, which included the equipment, machinery, piping and instrumentation to support this manufacturing, including a number of the components contained in the lists of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
1 1/2 Monsanto Company ▪ Process Engineer
years ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation, and Facilities Design Engineer
3 years Union Carbide Corporation ▪ Process Engineer ▪ Project Engineer
▪ Equipment, Piping,Instrumentation and Facilities Design Engineer
The work performed while employed by Union Carbide Corporation was for high density polyethylene manufacturing facilities, one in operation, others in design, which included plastics manufacturing and processing machinery, equipment and facilities, including a number of the components contained in the lists of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
2 1/2 M. W. Kellogg / Pullman Kellogg - first period of employment ▪ Systems
years Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation and Facilities Design

Engineer ▪ Safety Design Engineer
While employed at Union Carbide Corporation:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
While employed at Monsanto Company:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Participated in the start-up (initial operation) of the newest of these manufacturing facilities.
The work performed while employed by M.W. Kellogg as a Systems Engineer was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
While employed at Pullman Kellogg as a Systems Engineer:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Performed systems engineering and safety design for engineering design projects, including:
- As the safety and environmental specialist for the systems engineering department:
- development of process design, heat and material balances and Process Flow Diagrams
- development of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (Mechanical Flow Diagrams)
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- layout of equipment and machinery in facilities, including design requirements established by human factors considerations for the safe and efficient operation of the equipment and facilities
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- bid review, technical recommendations, and coordination with vendors of machinery and other equipment, for the supply of this equipment for installation during construction
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- supervision of technical aspects of facility detail design with the detail design contractor
- development of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (Mechanical Flow Diagrams)
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- specification of instrumentation and control system components for purchase
- designed safety systems, including hazardous materials flares, foam fire protection systems and fire suppression systems, flare field safety systems, etc.
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- designed air pollution control systems, including
elevated vents, to meet EPA regulations
1 1/2 Litwin ▪ Senior Process Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation, and
years Facilities Design Engineer
While employed at Litwin:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Provided all aspects of process, mechanical and safety design on engineering design projects, including:
- development of process design, heat and material balances and Process Flow Diagrams
- development of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (Mechanical Flow Diagrams)
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- assisted detailed design, purchasing, project engineering and project management

Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Doing the equipment, machinery, piping, instrumentation, controls, and facility design for the plastics manufacturing facility to be offered for sale
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Participating as the design engineering representative on the marketing team, presenting the design to potential purchasers
- Provided the engineering for a new design of a plastics manufacturing facility for purpose of selling the design and construction (a "turn-key" project) on behalf of the client, including:
3 years M. W. Kellogg / Pullman Kellogg - second period of employment

▪ Principal Systems Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation and
Facilities Design Engineer ▪ Safety Design Engineer
- additional designs for equipment and systems to be added
This major complex consisted of manufacturing facilities, and other industrial facilities, for the production, storage and distribution of chemical and plastics products; and, the production and distribution of utilities, including water, air and steam
- Lead a team of engineers conducting an extensive facility-wide safety operations study to design additional safety facilities for a refinery, manufacturing facility, and other industrial facilities, in a foreign country
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Designed and conducted courses on the design of safety relief devices (safety relief valves, rupture discs and the like) and safety relief systems, including the piping, valves, and instrumentation of these systems
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Supervised, managed and participated with groups of engineers writing Design Manuals for equipment and machinery, piping, valves, and instrumentation to meet applicable Codes and Standards, and also writing a Design Manual for Boiler Systems to meet the ASME Boiler Code and other applicable Codes and Safety Standards

While employed at Davy Powergas as a Senior Project Engineer:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Through hands-on technical review of the engineering design ▪ assured the technical quality
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Directed the efforts of the engineering disciplines in their engineering design work
- Integrated the work of the engineering disciplines with the remainder of the project groups
5 1/2 years Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee
1 year Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee ▪ Senior Project Engineer ▪ Safety Assurance
1 year Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee ▪ Supervising Project Engineer ▪ Safety
Assurance Engineer
1 year Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee ▪ Manager of Equipment Engineering
Section ▪ Safety Assurance Engineer
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Designed surface and sub-surface drainage facilities, including:
- gravity and pressure sewers
- skimmers and recovery equipment
- Designed an industrial waste collection system for plastic particles and chemicals, including:
While employed at Davy Powergas as the Manager of Equipment Engineering:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Supervised, managed and participated in the engineering design and safety design activities of the Equipment Engineering Section which designed, specified, and requisitioned pumps, compressors, turbines, furnaces,boilers, vessels, tanks, heat exchangers, heaters, and similar machinery and equipment
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
2 1/2 Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee ▪ Project Manager and Project Engineering
years Manager ▪ Safety Assurance Engineer
While employed at Davy Powergas as the Project Manager and Project Engineering Manager:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- On projects where acting as Project Manager also:
- provided the overall management of the project and the administration of the project contract
- coordinated engineering, procurement and construction
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- monitored and controlled schedule, cost and budget
- served as primary contact with the client's project representatives

- provided the overall supervision of the engineering portions of the project.
- coordinated engineering disciplines
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- monitored and controlled engineering schedule, cost and budget
- served as engineering representative for the client's project representatives
- On projects where acting as Project Engineering Manager also:
James D. Madden, P.E. has been a forensic engineer full-time for over the last 30 years, doing the following:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- investigating, analyzing and reconstructing mechanical accidents and chemical accidents
- analyzing the safety of associated equipment and facilities, utilizing Safety Design principles in the analysis
- utilizing Human Factors in the analysis and reconstruction of the accident
- determining the requirements for Safeguards and Warnings and the adherence to these requirements
- determining the applicable Codes and Standards and the adherence to the these Codes and Standards
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Accidents handled in the forensic engineering work include:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- accidents involving consumer products and industrial equipment, including safeguards and warnings issues
- chemical and gas accidents, including containment and warnings issues
- equipment and industrial fires and explosions, and hazardous combustion, including CO poisoning
- accidents involving commercial, industrial and farm facilities and operations, and construction
- traffic accidents, including highway design and roadway maintenance issues
- building and property safety, including slips and falls, trips and falls and falls from heights
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
In handling the accident types listed above, consideration of the following is also included:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- safety design requirements
- requirements for safeguards
- requirements for warnings
- adherence to codes and standards and recommended practices
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Typical activities involved with the forensic work include:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- site inspection and data collection
- engineering analysis of the accident
- engineering analysis of the involved equipment and facilities
- verbal and written reports, and affidavits
- expert testimony in depositions, arbitrations and trials.

The forensic work makes regular use of many of the areas that were part of the work previous to the forensic work,
including industrial operations and design engineering experience with:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- industrial operations and equipment operation in manufacturing facilities
- design of equipment and machinery with instrumentation and controls
- materials of construction
- engineering design, safety design, requirements from human factors for safety, including:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- s● specifying safeguards, such as barrier guards, light curtains, dual operating buttons, safety controls, etc.
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- facility layout for safety
- building and structure safety features
- codes and standards and recommended practices
- safety analysis, including safety analysis for the safety assurance of the designs of other engineers
The forensic work also uses other areas that were part of the design engineering work previous to the forensic work:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- design of equipment and facilities for the use of fire
- design of equipment and facilities for the suppression of fire
- design of furnaces and boilers and furnace and boiler systems, including the instrumentation and control systems
- design of drainage systems, including drainage from pavement and off-pavement, and drainage through sewers, ditches and flumes
30+ Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering ▪ Senior Forensic Engineer ▪ Accident years Investigation and Reconstruction Engineer ▪ Safety Engineer
Samples of Work Before Start of Forensic Work (work by individual employer follows this section)
The work performed while working in industrial operations and engineering design included:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- designing signage, including warning signs, for facilities, control (instrumentation) boards and alarm panels
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- designing drainage facilities, starting with performing drainage studies to develop the data required for the design, and then designing the surface facilities and trenches/flumes and sewers for the drainage required
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- designing and presenting courses to Design Engineers covering the design of safety relief devices and safety relief systems
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- organizing participating in, and supervising the writing of Design Manuals for the design of boiler systems to meet the ASME Boiler Code and other applicable codes and standards
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- assuring the technical quality of engineering designs, especially of the safety design of equipment and facilities, design of safety facilities, including safeguards, and warnings; through hands-on reviews and formal technical reviews and approvals of engineering designs of industrial and manufacturing facilities, piping, valving, instrumentation, equipment and machinery
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- assisting with construction of industrial and manufacturing facilities, including providing technical assistance to construction personnel at the construction site and providing construction site engineering design services and supervision of construction
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
● Pressure relief systems for numerous industrial and manufacturing facilities
● Gas and liquid burning flare stacks for numerous industrial and manufacturing facilities
● Fire suppressant systems, including water, inert gas and foam systems for several facilities
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Making use of industry, technical society and government codes, standards and recommended practices extensively during design of industrial and manufacturing facilities, piping, valving, instrumentation, equipment and machinery, and advised and instructed others on the proper use of these Codes in their design particularly for assigned engineers

The work described in the list below is related to the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and other facility components contained in the lists of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
The work performed while employed by Litwin was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
- Supervised and managed groups of engineers performing the process systems engineering and
safety design for engineering design projects as described above in the employment description
While employed at Pullman Kellogg as a Principal Systems Engineer:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Performed process systems engineering and safety design for engineering design projects, including:
- development of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (Mechanical Flow Diagrams)
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- specification of instrumentation and control system system for purchase
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Was the Engineering Representative onsite at a major operating industrial complex in a foreign country during the latter stages of construction of additions to the facilities, providing:
While employed at Davy Powergas as the Supervising Project Engineer:
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
Madden Accident Analysis and Forensic Engineering
- Assured the performance of Project Engineers and the Engineering Department in the design of manufacturing facilities and other industrial facilities
- pavement and off-pavement drainage
- collection and trunk gravity sewers
Employment after Start of Full-Time Forensic Practice, Summary ● to present ● also covered throughout this website
The work performed while employed by Pullman Kellogg as a Principal Systems Engineer was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
The work performed while employed by Davy Powergas as a Senior Project Engineer was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
The work performed while employed by Davy Powergas / DM International as the Supervising Project Engineer was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
The work performed while employed by DM International / Davy McKee as the Manager of Equipment Engineering was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
In the paragraphs below, click on an underlined subject-word to go to the next listing of the subject word, usually in the listing for a separate employer. If you see no underlines on the page, hover the mouse over subject-words to make the underlines visible or use Control-F to highlight (with color) all instances of the subject-word on the page. Control-F will find complete words from partial words. Clicking on an underlined page name will take you to that Page in the website. These are separate pages in the website.
The work performed while employed by DM International / Davy McKee as a Project Manager and Project Engineering Manager was for a number of the manufacturing facilities, other industrial facilities, and facility components contained in the list of examples of facilities, equipment, machinery, systems, and other industrial components designed while employed in industrial operations and design engineering, as listed on the Engineering Design Page in this website. See the Engineering Design Page for these lists.
Employers and Positions of James D. Madden, P.E. ● in chronological order, first to current
position ● see sections below for details of each position
Monsanto Company - first position after earning Master of Engineering degree
- scope of work ▪ Industrial Operations and Engineering Design, with Construction Assistance
- involvement in work as ▪ Process Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation, and Facilities Design Engineer
Union Carbide Corporation
- scope of work ▪ Engineering Design, with intermittent contact with Industrial Operations
- involvement in work as ▪ Process Engineer ▪ Project Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation and Facilities Design Engineer
M. W. Kellogg / Pullman Kellogg - in two employment periods
- scope of work ▪ Engineering Design, with intermittent contact with Industrial Operations and Construction Assistance
- involvement in work as ▪ Systems Engineer ▪ Principal Systems Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation and Facilities Design Engineer ▪ Safety Design Engineer
- scope of work ▪ Engineering Design, with intermittent contact with Industrial Operations
- involvement in work as ▪ Senior Process Engineer ▪ Equipment, Piping, Instrumentation, and Facilities Design Engineer
Davy Powergas / DM International / Davy McKee
- scope of work ▪ Engineering Design, with intermittent contact with Industrial Operations
- involvement in work as ▪ Senior Project Engineer ▪ Supervising Project Engineer
▪ Manager of Equipment Engineering Section ▪ Project Manager/Project
Engineering Manager ▪ Safety Assurance Engineer
Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering - current position
- scope of work ▪ Forensic Engineering ▪ Accident Investigation and Reconstruction
▪ Safety Analysis
- involvement in work as ▪ Forensic Engineer ▪ Accident Investigation and Reconstruction Engineer ▪ Safety Analysis Engineer
Employment History - Table of Contents - links to content on this page
Click on links below labeled 'summary' and 'details' to go to the respective summaries and details.
employer's primary business
Summaries and Details of Employment Positions - links to content on this page
Examples of Work During Employment in Industrial Operations and Engineering Design - links to content on this page
The examples of details of engineering design listed below are provided for the convenience of the user of this webpage in finding particular subjects. They are not all-inclusive. Thus, if you are looking for a subject, you may find scrolling through the complete page contents or using Ctrl-F (Page Search) to be more useful in this search.
Abbreviations for Employers: MC = Monsanto Company UCC = Union Carbide Corporation PK-1 = Pullman Kellogg 1st period
LC = Litwin Company PK-2 = Pullman Kellogg 2nd period DM = Davy McKee
Use the Search Box at the left to search the whole website.
Use Control F, 'Ctrl' + 'F', to locate specific words on this page.
■ summary ■ details ... Union Carbide Corporation chemicals and plastics production
■ summary ■ details ... MW Kellogg/Pullman Kellogg (1)* engineering design and construction
■ summary ■ details ... MW Kellogg/Pullman Kellogg (2)* engineering design and construction
■ summary ■ details ... Davy Powergas/Davy McKee engineering design and construction
■ summary ■ details ... Madden Accident Analysis & accident analysis and forensic
Forensic Engineering engineering
* 1st and 2nd employment periods
■ MC ■ UCC ............ ■ LC ■ PK-2 ........ ..... Equipment Operation
■ MC ■ UCC ............ ■ LC ■ PK-2 ........ ..... Industrial Operation
■ MC ■ UCC ............ .......... ■ PK-2 ........ ..... Construction Assistance
......... .......... ............ ........ ■ PK-2 ■ DM ..... Assuring Engineers' Safety Design
......... .......... ............ ........ ■ PK-2 ........ ..... Design Manuals & Courses
■ List of Employment Positions by company
■ Links to Summary or Details of each employment position
■ Samples of Pre-Forensic Work in industrial operations and design engineering
■ Links to Pre-Forensic Employers by types of work and technical areas worked in
■ Industrial Operations starting with Monsanto Company & continuing with other companies
■ Engineering Design starting with Monsanto Company & continuing with other companies
■ Forensic Engineering at Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering
click on the underlined squares to link to the subjects
■ Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume' (center menu)
■ Contact Information (center menu)
■ Links to Other Pages (left sidebars)
See Engineering Design Page for lists of equipment for lists of equipment for lists of equipment, components and facilities and additional information about work performed, while working in Industrial Operations and Engineering Design.
over 30 Years Investigating, Analyzing, Reconstructing & Testifying about Accidents
Forensic Engineering & Scientific Accident Reconstruction
Link to Website for J.D Madden, P.E., Sr. Forensic Engineer
The website opens in a browser tab next to the tab for this page
> Traffic Accidents, Crashes |
> Premises, Bldg, Property |
incl. Slips, Trips & Falls |
> Workplace - Industrial, |
Commercial, Construction, |
Farm, Forest, Extraction |
> Equipment and Machinery |
> Equip. Fire or Explosion,  |
> Hazardous Combustion, |
incl. Carbon Monoxide  |
(CO) death or poisoning |
> Consumer Products |
> Chemicals and Materials |
incl. Gases & Compounds |
Basic Forensic Specialties
Main Forensic Specialties
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 by Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, and by James D. Madden, P.E. All rights reserved.
This website contains photographs which are licensed with restrictions that prohibit downloading, reproduction, re-publication or re-transmission.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions routinely for accidents / incidents and cases located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York, in the technical areas which are noted in this website, as well as providing expert reports and testifying in court proceedings in these states in the capacity of an Expert Witness, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials. Forensic Engineering work has also performed in, and/or for cases in, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Vermont, Kansas and Utah, with testimony in deposition and court in West Virginia and Kansas.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions for accidents / incidents and cases in the metropolitan areas of Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lima, Findlay, Marietta and Steubenville, Ohio, as well elsewhere throughout Ohio, and the metropolitan areas of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, as well as elsewhere throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and Port Huron, Michigan, as well as elsewhere in southern Michigan, and the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, as well as elsewhere in western and central New York state. In many of these areas James D. Madden, P.E. has provided expert reports and testified in the capacity of an Expert Witness in court proceedings, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials.
Latest updates to the overall document and activity counts (reports, affidavits, cases, trials, and depositions), and counts of the number of individual specialty cases reported in this website were completed 7/15/2020. The updates of the overall document and activity counts and the counts of the number of individual specialty cases for the period between 12/2007 and 7/15/2020 were based only on the documents produced, and thus are under-counts (i.e. cases without a report or affidavit were not included in the counts).
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
1700 West Market Street, Suite 318, Akron, Ohio 44313
or contact us for our Cleveland Ohio address
phone: 440-838-0640 or 440-832-9540, fax: 440-838-1192
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E., is available for Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses, Accident Reconstructions, and testimony in depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and trials, for cases located throughout North America.